All service calls are scheduled based on the type of service needed (critical issues resulting in organs that are not playable get highest priority), as well as the order that calls are received and how complete the problem description is provided, and the travel distance. This can range from 5-7 days (for critical issues with simple solutions within the Twin Cities metro area) to 2-4 weeks (for non-critical issues or complex issues located longer distances away).

We try to provide you with an estimate for your service call within 3-5 business days and schedule your service call once that estimate has been approved.

We do offer rush service (when our schedule permits) to address urgent issues in under 5 business days. Depending on our schedule, this may require a rush service charge. We can let you know when you call when we are available and if it would require a rush charge.

To reduce the time to get your service call scehduled, be sure to complete the We Need Help form so that we have all the information we need to schedule your service call.